Five Fun Facts About Movie Grill Dining
Going to a movie grill these days is much more enjoyable than it was when these facilities first began appearing around the country. They have all grown a bit more sophisticated in response to patrons' requests, and they're generally a lot classier than those first dine-in theatres were. Some of the fun facts below will serve to show how far movie grills have progressed since the early days when all you could get was a soda with your hot dog or hamburger. Service can be summoned by pressing a button There's nothing easier than summoning your server by pressing a button, and after you've done it a couple of times, you'll probably start wishing that you had the same kind of power when you're out at a restaurant. Sometimes when you go to your favourite restaurant, especially on a busy night, it's darn near impossible to get the attention of your server, and you might be sitting and getting frustrated while you're waiting for a coffee refill, or even to get...